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一、经 济 特 区



四、施 行 日 期

Provisional Regulations for Special Economic Zones and 14 CoastalCities on Reduction and Exemption of Enterprises Income Tax and Con-solidated Industrial and Commercial Tax by The State Council of ThePeople's Republic of China

(Promulgated on 15 November, 1984)

Whole document
Provisional Regulations for Special Economic Zones and 14 Coastal
Cities on Reduction and Exemption of Enterprises Income Tax and
Consolidated Industrial and Commercial Tax by The State Council of The
People's Republic of China
(Promulgated on 15 November, 1984)
In order to facilitate the expansion of foreign economic cooperation
and technical exchange, the use of foreign investment and the transfer or
license of advanced technology for the purpose of expediting the socialist
modernization program, the following regulations are hereby formulated to
grant reduction and exemption of enterprise income tax and consolidated
industrial and commercial tax (hereinafter referred to as CIC tax) to
joint ventures, cooperative enterprises and wholly foreign-owned
enterprises operated by companies, enterprises or individuals (hereinafter
referred to as "overseas business people") from foreign countries, Hong
Kong or Macao in the four special economic zones of Shenzhen, Zhuhai,
Xiamen and Shantou, and the 14 coastal port cities of Dalian, Qinhuangdao,
Tianjin, Yantai, Qindao, Lianyungang, Nantong, Shanghai, Ninbo, Wenzhou,
Guangzhou, Zhanjiang and Beihai.

I. Special Economic Zones
1. A 15 percent preferential enterprise income tax shall be levied on
the income derived from production, business and other sources by any
joint venture, cooperative enterprise or wholly foreign-owned enterprise
(hereinafter referred to as "special zone enterprise") operating in the
special economic zones (hereinafter referred to as "special zones").
(1) For enterprises engaged in industry, communications and transport,
agriculture, forestry and livestock breeding, which have a contract life
of 10 years or longer, a two-year tax holiday commencing from the first
profit-making year is granted followed by a 50 percent reduction from the
third to the fifth year, upon application and approval by the special zone
tax authorities.
(2) An enterprise engaged in the service trade, which has overseas
investment exceeding US $ 5 million and a contract life of 10 years or
longer, income tax shall be exempted in the first profit-making year,
followed by a 50 percent reduction in the second and third year, upon the
application and the approval by the special zone tax authorities.
2. Reduction or exemption of local income tax for special zone
enterprises shall be decided upon by the people's governments of the
special zones.
3. Overseas business peoples in joint ventures in the special zones
are exempted from enterprise income tax when repatriating profits derived
4. A 10 percent income tax shall be levied on income derived from
dividends, interest, rentals, royalties and other sources in the special
zones by overseas business people who have not set up offices in China,
except the cases in which tax exemption is granted according to the law.
Further incentives as tax reductions or exemptions to the overseas
business people who have provided investment and equipment on favorable
terms or transferred advanced technology shall be decided by the people's
governments of the special zones.
5. CIC tax shall be exempted for importing taxable machines,
equipment, raw materials, spare parts and accessories, means of transport
and other means of production by special zone enterprises for their own
production purposes, before the special zone control border lines are
completed. The import of the means of transport and consumer durable that
are on the state restriction list shall be subject to taxation according
to the tax rules in force. The CIC tax rate for imported various mineral
oils, cigarettes, wines and other daily necessities shall be cut by half.
After the special zone control border lines are completed, CIC tax rate
shall also be cut by half for imported various mineral oils, cigarettes
and wines, while other imported goods shall be free from CIC tax.
Cigarettes, wines, personnel articles and home appliances brought in by
overseas business people within reasonable quantity and for their own use
will also be exempted from CIC tax.
6. Consolidated industrial and commercial tax shall be exempted for
export products made by special zone enterprises, except those on the
state restriction list or those otherwise provided.
7. A 50 percent CIC tax reduction is allowed for production made by
special zone enterprises when sold within the special zones and also for
various mineral oils, cigarettes, wines, etc. With the exemption of a few
products for which the levying of or reduction in the CIC tax shall be
determined by the people's governments of the special zones, all other
products are henceforth exempted from the CIC tax.
8. If special zone enterprises should ship inland their imported goods
or products they produced on which CIC tax was reduced or exempted tax
shall be paid retroactively upon entering the inland areas according to
the tax law. But the CIC tax shall be free on personnel articles brought
in by overseas business people from the special zones to the inland areas,
if they are in reasonable quantities and for their own use.
9. CIC tax shall be levied on income derived from commerce,
communications and transport and service undertakings by the special zone
enterprises according to the tax rate prescribed in the tax rules in
force. The CIC tax rate on incomes from banking and insurance shall be
three percent. The above-mentioned enterprises have need for a reduction
or exemption of the CIC tax for a fixed period at the initial stage of
their operations shall be decided by the people's governments of the
special zones.
10. For joint ventures, cooperative enterprises and wholly
foreign-owned enterprises operating in the Hainan Administrative Zone of
Guangdong Province, the reduction or exemption of enterprise income tax
and CIC tax may be granted with reference to the relevant provisions for
the special zones.

II Economic and Technological Development Zones of 14 Coastal Port Cities
1. A 15 percent preferential enterprise income tax shall be allowed on
the income derived from production, business or other sources by joint
ventures, cooperative enterprises or wholly foreign-owned enterprises
(hereinafter referred to as "development zone enterprises") operating in
the economic and technological development zones (hereinafter referred to
as "development zones"). But these with a contract life of 10 years or
longer shall, upon application and the approval by the city tax
authorities, enjoy a two-year tax holiday, commencing from the first
profit-making year, followed by a 50 percent reduction from the third to
the fifth year.
2. The reduction and exemption of local income tax for development
zone enterprises shall be decided upon by the city people's governments.
3. Overseas business peoples in an joint venture in the development
zones are exempted from income tax when repatriating profits derived
4. A 10 percent income tax shall be levied on income derived from
dividends, interest, rentals, royalties and other sources in the
development zones by overseas business people who have not set up offices
in China, except in cases in which tax exemption is granted according to
the law. Further reduction or exemption to be given to overseas business
people who have provided investment and equipment on favorable terms or
transferred advanced technology, shall be decided by the people's
government of the city to which the development zone belongs.
5. CIC tax shall be exempted on the building materials, production
equipment, raw and other materials, spare parts and accessories,
components and elements, means of transport and office supplies imported
by development zone enterprises for their own use. If the products of the
development zone enterprises processed with such tax exempt imported raw
and other materials, spare parts, accessories, components or elements turn
to sell in China, CIC tax shall be paid retroactively for the imported
materials and parts pursuant to tax rules.
6. CIC tax shall be exempted for products made and exported by
development zone enterprises except those on the state export restriction
list. The products sold in China shall be subject to tax as prescribed in
tax rules in force.
7. CIC tax shall be exempted for household articles and private
vehicles brought in by overseas employees or by overseas business people
living in the development zones in reasonable quantity, upon presentation
of the authorized documents issued by the administrative committees of the
development zones concerned.

III. The old city of the 14 Coastal Port Cities and Shantou, Zhuhai, and Xiamen
1. A 15 percent preferential enterprise income tax shall be allowed,
upon the approval by the Ministry of Finance for joint ventures,
cooperative enterprises and wholly foreign-owned enterprises operating
within the old city limits of the 14 coastal port cities and of Shantou,
Zhuhai, and Xiamen (hereinafter referred to as "old city enterprises"), if
those old city enterprises are technology or knowledge intensive, or with
overseas investment exceeding US $ 30 million and requiring a long term
recovery, or belong to the fields of energy, communications or port
A 20 percent tax reduction of income tax rate prescribed in the tax
rules in force, is allowed for old city enterprises in the following
fields of productive operations which are not entitled to tax reduction as
prescribed in the preceding paragraph subject to approval of the Ministry
of Finance:
(1) machine building, electronic industry;
(2) metallurgical, chemical, building material industry;
(3) light industry, textile and packaging industry;
(4) medical apparatus, pharmaceutical industry;
(5) agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry,
aquaculture, and their related processing industries;
(6) building construction industry.
The reduction and exemption of enterprise income tax shall be
implemented according to the preferential tax rate mentioned above and
within the prescribed period of time and scope set in the income tax laws
for Chinese-foreign joint ventures and the wholly foreign-owned
enterprises respectively.
2. The reduction and exemption of local income tax for old city
enterprises shall be determined by the city people's governments.
3. A 10 percent income tax shall be granted on income obtained from
dividends, interest, rentals, royalties or other sources in the old
cities by overseas business people who have not set up offices in the
territory of China, except in those cases in which tax exemption is
granted according to the law. Further incentives in tax reduction or
exemption to be given to those overseas business people who have provided
investment and equipment on favorable terms or transferred advanced
technology, shall be decided by the city people's governments.
4. CIC tax shall be exempted for production equipment, office or
business equipment and building materials imported by old city
enterprises, as part of the investment or additional investment of the
enterprises, as well as for vehicles and office supplies imported for
their own use.
5. CIC tax shall be exempted for export products made by the old city
enterprises, except those products that are on the state export
restriction list. Products sold in China shall be taxable according to the
tax rules in force.
6. CIC tax shall be exempted for raw and other materials, spare parts
and accessories, components and elements and packaging materials imported
by old city enterprises for making export products; but those imported for
products to be sold in China shall be taxed according to the tax rules in
7. CIC tax shall be exempted for household articles and private
vehicles brought in by overseas employees working in the old city
enterprises or by overseas business people living in the old cites, upon
presentation of the authorized documents issued by the competent
departments of the city people's governments and on the condition that the
said articles or vehicles are within reasonable quantity.

IV. Date of Enforcement
The provisions on the income tax reduction and exemption in these
regulations shall be implemented from the 1984 tax year, while the
provisions on the reduction and exemption of CIC tax shall be effective on
December 1, 1984.

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  第一条 为了加强城市建筑垃圾管理,提高城市市容和环境卫生质量,根据《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》、《城市市容和环境卫生管理条例》、《合肥市市容和环境卫生管理条例》等有关法律法规的规定,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法所称建筑垃圾,是指新建、改建、扩建和拆除各类建筑物、构筑物、道路、管线等以及居民装饰装修房屋过程中所产生的弃土、弃料及其它废弃物。

  第三条 本办法适用于本市市区建成区内建筑垃圾的倾倒、运输、中转、回填、消纳、利用等处置活动。

  第四条 城市建筑垃圾管理工作实行统一领导、分区负责,专业管理和群众管理相结合,教育和处罚相结合的原则。




  第五条 任何单位和个人不得随意倾倒、抛撒或者堆放建筑垃圾。

  第六条 因工程建设等原因产生的建筑垃圾,建设单位应当按照本办法规定承担处置责任。







  第七条 施工单位在开工前,应当与所在区市容部门(开发区相关管理部门)签订市容环境卫生责任书,对施工过程中产生的建筑垃圾及时清理,保持施工现场整洁。


  第八条 建设单位或者施工单位处置建筑垃圾,应当委托已取得《建筑垃圾运输经营许可证》的企业运输。

  第九条 从事建筑垃圾运输的企业,应当具备下列条件并向市市容部门申请办理《建筑垃圾运输经营许可证》:





  第十条 市市容部门应当自受理之日起7日内作出是否核准的决定,对核准的企业颁发《建筑垃圾运输经营许可证》,并将其从事建筑垃圾运输的车辆予以登记。


  第十一条 取得《建筑垃圾运输经营许可证》的运输企业在承运建筑垃圾前,应当持与建设单位或者施工单位签订的委托运输协议向市市容部门申请办理建筑垃圾单车运输证。


  第十二条 建筑垃圾运输企业在运输建筑垃圾时应当遵守下列规定:





  第十三条 建筑垃圾消纳专用场地的建设纳入市容和环境卫生事业发展规划。市规划部门应当会同市容、建设、国土资源、环境保护等部门,根据城市建设和管理需要,统一规划、合理布局。


  第十四条 各类建设工程、开发用地需要回填、利用建筑垃圾的,经市市容部门实地勘察,可以作为建筑垃圾消纳场所。


  第十五条 建筑垃圾处置实行收费制度,收费按照价格部门核定的标准执行。

  第十六条 居民因装饰、维修等产生的零星建筑垃圾,应当按照物业管理单位或者社区居民委员会指定的地点统一堆放,并按规定交纳有关费用;物业管理单位或者社区居民委员会负责统一清运。


  第十七条 任何单位和个人不得将建筑垃圾混入生活垃圾,不得将危险废物混入建筑垃圾,不得擅自设立消纳场所受纳建筑垃圾。

  第十八条 禁止涂改、倒卖、出租、出借或者以其他形式非法转让建筑垃圾处置核准文件。

  第十九条 违反本办法第六条规定,建设单位擅自处置或者超出核准范围处置建筑垃圾的,由市容部门责令限期改正,并处以5000元以上3万元以下的罚款。

  第二十条 违反本办法第七条规定,施工现场不符合要求的,由市容部门责令施工单位限期改正,并处以500元以上1000元以下的罚款。

  第二十一条 违反本办法第八条规定,建设单位或者施工单位将建筑垃圾交给未取得《建筑垃圾运输经营许可证》的企业或者个人运输的,由市容部门责令限期改正,并处以1万元以上5万元以下的罚款。

  第二十二条 违反本办法第九条规定,未取得《建筑垃圾运输经营许可证》擅自从事建筑垃圾运输活动的,由市容部门责令改正,并处以5000元以上3万元以下的罚款。

  第二十三条 运输企业违反本办法第十二条规定,有下列行为之一的,由市容部门责令改正,并处以罚款:





  第二十四条 违反本办法规定,有下列行为之一的,由市容部门责令改正,并处以罚款:




  第二十五条 城市管理行政执法部门应当加强对建筑垃圾运输、处置的监督检查,及时查处违反本办法的行为。


  第二十六条 肥东、肥西、长丰三县可以参照本办法执行。

  第二十七条 本办法自2010年2月1日起施行,市政府2004年8月1日发布的《合肥市建筑垃圾管理办法》(市政府令第110号)同时废止。










































